
City Uncovered - issue 34

Hi everybody!

all latest news concerning greek gay and lesbian scence inside our pages:
a) interview from Maria Cyber about the outview08, the second gay lesbian film festival in Athens, that will take place from 23rd to 27th May, in Trianon cinema.
b) Report from Thessaloniki and the 10th Panorama lgbt movies.
c) Interiview from out lesbian new poet, Stavroula Petrelli, about her latest work and her appearance on May 28th in Colorfull planet publications.
d) Proposals for cinema, theatre, exhibitions, bar, cafe, clubs, saunas, etc.
e) Interesting hotel advertisements in Mikonos!
f) As usual the "10%" magazine's page.

My dearest friends: Athens pride is round the corner! Book your flight and accomodations through one of our tourist offices (www.pridetravel.gr - www.windmills.gr) and visit our blue sky on 7th June. Glitterbanditz and other groups will be with us in the parade and during the big party after! Info: www.athenspride.eu

Have fun!

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