
City Uncovered - issue 31

Dear friends and readers!
here is the 31st issue of our lgbt greek newspaper, UNCOVERED CITY. Find in our pages:
a) gay greek political marriage? The time has come!
b) comments, views and action against the new proposal of the greek goverment for partnership just for heterosexual couples.
c) Christos Dimas: interview
d) The new recopilation of the famous 80's and 90's magazine called KRAXIMO.
e) Genderpop festival: all new underground berlin's scene hosted for a week in athens, under the support of Goethe isntitute.
Find also all our permanent columns, +gay guide, +cruising, +lgbt schedule and proposals for events.
Important: always in our pre-last page you can read your favorite "10% magazine".

Feel free to write us about anything and if you want to get our newspaper at home abroad in: info@cityuncovered.gr

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Previous cover pages

Previous cover pages
Here is the photo of the cover page of the previous issue
